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If you have seen this Magical retreat posted and it connects to your heart I have offered a early wizard “ Heaven Yes “ price that ends on 1:11. This is a my way of honoring that heaven yes energy that has us take leaps of faith following our spirit and heart and less mind. 

24 hours for the 1111$ Early wizard donation to your future

🌜🌺 Find Your Why 🌺🌛
🧚‍♀Remembering your Magic 🧙‍♂ 

🪄initiation retreat 🔮

“An experience created to guide you to forgiveness of all, letting go of the past while rediscovering your true purpose-passion in THIS life”

What is this magic? 🪄

9 full days 🔅 9 Nights 🌀
All inclusive - retreat initiation experience - in The New Moroccan themed Temple - eating the best vegetarian foods - sleeping 1 night in The cave under the Diamante waterfall -having one of life’s’ most Transformational experiences- change your life forever- live and connect with new family and forever friends - guided by 5 amazing cocreators 

Who is this for:   
You and 22 others ready to 👁 rediscover their role in the new Earth 🌎  and reconnect to their life Purpose
🌈 Human beings, teachers, healers, builders, lovers, families, parents, fairies 🧚‍♀, dragons 🐉, wolfs 🐺, 🧙‍♂ wizards, shamans, bears 🐻, goddesses, kings 👑 all welcome 🙏 

Why : others have joined and what they got 

♥ Mastery of forgiveness ♥  finally leave the past that no longer serves us in the past. 
🌈 open up your heart and live a life by your creation. 

💧 reclaim your 💥 power and sensuality that is yours to shine bright 

👦 👧  reconnect to that inner child playfulness where anything and everything is posible. 

🏔 💦 Be reborn and sleep 🛌 in The Cave under the Diamante waterfall 

📜 create your 1 year written manifesto, grounding your biggest dreams into reality. “Family, personal  or new million dollar 💵 business plan” 

🧭 navigate shifts in family, separation or new love life. 

🌴 retire into your hearts desires after leaving “ That Job”, doing what you love Vs what you “ have to”

〽agic unlock your “Heaven Yes”, infinite energy toward  your biggest dreams & goals 

〽anifest your life , 
unlocke your shamanic abilities 

👩‍❤‍👨 meet soul family, laugh, play, heal, dance and explore the majestic beaches, mountains and waterfalls of Costa Rica 🇨🇷 
😊 bring fun to the healing journey. Don’t take things so sherious 🎠

🌱 explore plant 🌱 medicine in a safe container. 
💫🌟 rewrite codes of limiting beliefs. 

Secret: ✨✨the only thing between our dreams being fulfilled in this life, is forgiveness of ourself and others and recreating any limiting codes. 

When: March 2023 8 thru 17th 
( *optional immersion March 17-20th, led by you the participants and only 155$) 

Where: MOZen ( Magi of Zen) a Moroccan themed- Jungle experience overlooking the ocean.

Video of  Costa Rica 🇨🇷 “ Find Your Why”

Video: Guatemala lake Atitlan “ Find Your Why”

👨‍👩‍👧‍👧🙏 please share with someone else who might be calling in a transformational retreat experience🙏🤗

💜 Donation 💰 opportunity to serve your future self 💜 

$1555  all inclusive experience  full retreat- initiation experience- bed- amazing food- sleep overnight in the caves of the Diamante waterfall 💎 as you re-discover your purpose. 

$1333  🪄 Early Wizard ( deposit in by Feb 1st ) 🧙‍♂

$1111 Heaven Yes 🙌 cost ( deposit by 1/11 Jan 11th )

+ 150$ for plant medicine ( abuela 👵) ceremony 
->Experience 100% optional and this will be a very safe space for first time  ) 
+ 333 for private room experience. 
-222 For tent camping experience 

Scholarships :

* 1 Local Tico seat 💺 in exchange for what you earn in 9 days is what you donate. 
* 1 Single parent 50% off 
* 1 Tico or CR resident 50% off 
* 1 student financial support 50% off. 

Energy trade : 

* 🧚🏽‍♀ 1 Maga- energy clearing, space set up, alter creation, smudging. Total of 10 hours before and 10 hours during recourse. 50% off donation. 

2 📸* Video foto semi pro. 100 pictures and 4 minute video with 6-10 testimonials. Capture retreat space. 50% off the donation. 

22 Mages 🧙‍♀ 🧙 🧙‍♂ will be on the journey. 

🪄 ⚡ reserve your seat with 50% deposit  ⚡ 
PayPal 50% (add country fees on top please).

Text one of us to set up a conversation about your participation in this magic  retreat
Merlin  🧙‍♂ +15104354422 
Talia Sol

🌀 join us in the jungle 🌴 connect with your tribe, soul family you’ve been waiting for and see what you find - fall deeper in Love with yourself and your purpose 

Make 2023 the most Magical 🧙‍♀ year ever! We love ❤ you.
Find Your Why by Gal Or Studios-277.jpg
Love you all and see you soon, 
"Find Your Why" Family.

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